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31st December 2024

Update: Daniel Andreas San Diego

Since Andreas' arrest near the end of November 2024. He has had a few court hearings. Today, on 31st December 2024, he had a video link hearing to court from HMP Belmarsh.

His next in-person hearing will be on 27th January 2025 and our thoughts are with him


18th December 2024

Released: Paul Watson

Anti-whaling activist Paul Watson has been released from prison in Nuuk, Greenland yesterday where he spent five months in custody, after Denmark rejected a Japanese request to extradite him. Captain Watson, who spent his 74th birthday behind bars, is now free and will be able to spend Christmas with his family. This decision marks a significant victory for human rights, environmental activism and the anti-whaling movement.

Further details: here


5th December 2024

Update: Daniel Andreas San Diego

Since Andreas' arrest on Monday, 25th November 2024. He had a hearing on Tuesday, 3rd December 2024 at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London and is having an extradition hearing on Tuesday, 31st December 2024. He is believed to being held at HMP Belmarsh.

We have no further details at the moment, but sharing this NAALPO link: here

He is likely to be extradited to the United States and our thoughts are with him


28th November 2024

New: Daniel Andreas San Diego

It's been widely reported that on Monday, 25th November, Andreas was arrested by UK police in North Wales after he'd been named by the FBI as a person of interest for alleged actions in San Francisco in 2003

We have no further details at the moment as to where Andreas is being held

He is likely to be extradited to the United States and our thoughts are with him


11th November 2024

Released on bail: Support the Northumberland 2 (NU2) - Cara and Celeste

Cara Mitrano and Celeste Legere, “the Northumberland 2”, were arrested after a mink raid at a fur farm. They were held on multiple charges, including felony eco-terrorism. On the 9th of November, their bail review changed as the judge accepted 10% bail (from 150k each to 15k each) and they are both out of jail after 3 weeks locked up. Despite the reduction of bail conditions, they are still facing multiple charges including felonies, which will ensure a lot of court dates ahead.

They are going to need a lot of support, even now when they are out of jail. The legal costs will start piling up very fast, and it is only through solidarity that we can ensure Cara and Celeste are supported and have the best chance at remaining free.

To donate, please see: https://phillyabc.org/northumberland-2/

See Unoffensive Animal's website: here

To contact their support crew, email: we-support_cc@proton.me


9th November 2024

Update: Support the Northumberland2 (NU2) - Cara and Celeste

On the 19th of October, Cara Mitrano (27) and Celeste Legere (25) were arrested accused of releasing 638 minks from Richard H. Stahl Sons’ Inc fur farm east of Sunbury. They are facing an array of charges including eco-terrorism and burglary. For now, there are two main things you can do to support our two incarcerated comrades.

Firstly, you can donate to their bail and legal fees fundraiser. The bail has been set to 150k USD each, and their support group estimates legal fees to reach up to 100k, so they are trying to put together 400k USD. This is a huge amount of money, so if you can donate, that would be amazing, but if you can organise a fundraising event, screening, food share or otherwise any other form of fundraising that raises the profile around your community, that would be extremely beneficial.

To donate, please see: https://phillyabc.org/northumberland-2/

Secondly, you can write letters. We are still working out the best method to get love to Celeste, but Cara has a prison address you can use to send your love. Please, DO NOT TALK about the case. DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING ILLEGAL! Instead, write to Cara about their interests, which include anti monogamy, family abolition, relationship anarchy, chess, memes, crafting, bike trips and collective living projects.

See Unoffensive Animal's website: here

To contact their support crew, email: we-support_cc@proton.me


9th October 2024

Update: All four SUSARON prisoners have now been sentenced to either prison or tag

It is 23 months since the Susaron 4 were first incarcerated and have now all been sentenced. The first was Itamar, sentenced in March 2024 to 5 years of intensive probation for the crime of arson. She will have to serve the remainder of her sentence in freedom, discounting the time she served in prison. On August 5, 2024, Panda was sentenced to 4 and a half years for the crime of arson and possession of ammunition. He will have to serve the remainder of his sentence in prison. He is currently in the Colina I prison. On October 7, 2024, Tortuga was sentenced to 5 years for the crime of arson and possession of ammunition, but he could serve his sentence under intensive probation. Therefore, he is serving the remainder of his sentence. On October 7, 2024, Ru was sentenced to 5 years for the crime of arson. Having to serve the sentence in prison. He is currently in the Santiago 1 prison, awaiting his transfer to the Colina I prison.

Their communal PayPal is www.paypal.me/solidaridad4


8th September 2024

Update: Regarding Panda from SUSARON 4

It is 22 months since the Susaron 4 were first incarcerated. A couple of weeks ago, Panda was sentenced to four and half years and is now at Colina 1. He, and the other two (Ru and Tortu) awaiting sentencing can still be contacted via email: SOLIDARIDAD.ANTIESPECISTA4@GMAIL.COM and they will pass on your support.

Their communal PayPal is www.paypal.me/solidaridad4


20th March 2024

Released: Itamar from SUSARON 4

Itamar was released on 5th March, but with heavy probation conditions for five years! The other 3 prisoners are still locked up and awaiting trial, please support them.


21st February 2024

Update: Sindre Annassoon Persson

Sindre has not been receiving his mail through the detention centre. We're advising supporters to write to Sindre's family, so he can receive support. Please write to: Sindre Annasson Persson, Rudolf Jonassons väg 25B, 24136 Eslöv, Sweden - thank you.


14th February 2024

New: Sindre Annasson Persson

Sindre is an animal rights activist, 21 years old, from Sweden. Sindre is a kind and respected comrade in the animal rights community, who has fought against animal abusers in various ways.

In October 2023, Sindre was sentenced to forensic psychiatric forced care. The verdict refers to prosecution for actions in 2021, against the former fur farmer Niklas Pettersson. Sindre denies the alleged crime. Sindre was also sentenced to pay SEK 10,000 in damages to Niklas. The sentence was appealed, but later in 2023 The Court of Appeal upheld the verdict. If Sindre had not been sentenced to forensic psychiatric care, his prison sentence would have been only four months.

Sindre was detained immediately after the trial, on the 9th October 2023 and has since been imprisoned without an end date. A horrible sentence!

Support Sindre! Help him endure behind bars, let him know he’s not alone.


5th January 2024

Released: Ladislav Kuc

Ladislav has been released on 1st January, after nearly 12 years in prison. We are very happy that he is no longer banged up and wish him all the very best.


10th December 2023

Released: Wayne Hsiung

Wayne has been released after 40 days in prison. He was released slightly earlier due to overcrowding. He still has two years probation and is not allowed to talk or see 14 named 'co-conspirators', many his closest friends for two years too - he is going to appeal!


30th November 2023

Update: Wayne Hsiung

Wayne was sentenced today after being on remand the past 4 weeks. He has been sentenced to 90 days in prison, so should be released in a couple of weeks. He was given two years probation and is not allowed to talk with any named 'co-conspirators', including several of his closest friends for two years - he is going to appeal!


25th November 2023

Moved: Marius Mason

Marius was moved to Fort Worth on 18th September. The mail rules are different, so please double check and for more news about Marius, see: https://supportmariusmason.org/2023/10/27/marius-back-in-texas/


4th November 2023

New: Wayne Hsiung

On 2nd November, Wayne was convicted and remanded into prison. He will be sentenced on 30th November.
After a 8 week court case for the open rescue of chickens and ducks, Wayne was found guilty of one count of felony conspiracy to commit trespass and two misdemeanour trespass charges, for entering the chicken supplier Sunrise Farms in Sonoma County, California. Please write to him.
His birthday is: 18th June


19th October 2023

Released: Paul Allman

Paul was released today after serving ten weeks in prison on a trumped up charge. He will now have a further ten weeks on license.
We wish him all the best.


17th August 2023

New: Paul Allman

Paul was sentenced to 20 week imprisonment on Friday, 11th August.
Paul's sentence is relating to hunt sabbing against the Wynnstay Hunt who have been involved in illegal hunting and blocking of badger setts. Please write to him.


6th July 2023

Released: Ben Newman

Ben was arrested on Saturday, 3rd June and was later remanded to prison, until his court hearing today. He pleaded guilty and received a 18 week imprisonment sentence, suspended for two years and a fine.


15th June 2023

Update: Susaron4 prisoners

Below is a link to the collective communique published by the four activists jailed after the arson at a meat packaging plant in Chile. Remember that you can support them by sending letters to: solidaridad.antiespecista4@gmail.com and that you can donate to their fund on: www.paypal.me/solidaridad4

See: https://unoffensiveanimal.is/2023/06/15/caso-susaron-prisoners-release-a-communique-after-seven-months-in-jail/


5th June 2023

New: Ben Newman

Ben was arrested on Saturday, 3rd June to try and prevent horses being harmed at the epson derby and to continue the crucial public conversation about our broken relationship with animals and nature. He was remanded to prison, despite all other co-defendants getting bail. His next court apperance will be on 6th July. His birthday is: 1st October.


18th May 2023

Released: Mel Broughton

Mel was released on bail today, after being remanded back in November 2022. His pending trial will probably be in February 2024. We wish him and his co-defendants the very best outcome.


December 2022

Susaron Four


Back in September 2022, national and international news covered an arson attack at a meat packaging plant in Chile, where the refrigeration system and the trucks had been set alight by antispeciesist activists.

At the end of November 2022, four people were arrested and remanded to prison accused of the arson and are under investigation.
Since then, the four comrades arrested have been adjusting to prison but their spirits are high and their political views are stronger than ever. They even managed to help rescue a cat and her kittens from inside of prison to release them to the free world to be seen by a vet. A true prison escape story!

They are going to need lots of support economically, but they should also receive emotional support and as many letters of love and support as possible. Prosecution is asking for a minimum of 10 years in prison, but they will have a review of their case (and a re-evaluation of their remand) in January 2023.

The four comrades arrested have chosen to remain anonymous and are using pseudonyms as names, they do not wish their photos to be published and will be receiving letters via an email address that is managed by friends outside.

RU/GATO is an anarcho-nihilist, vegan, straight edge prisoner. He is 28 years old, loves animals and hates drugs. He maintains his belief in illegal direct action as the tool to fight for animal and total liberation. He considers himself a proud political prisoner against the business that controls the Chilean territory.

PANDA is a straight edge, vegan anarchist prisoner. He is 26 years old. Enemy of the law and order forcefully imposed by the capitalist system. Loves nature, ecosystems, animals and simplicity. Proud political prisoner, honest with his politics and vehemently in favour of animal and human liberation from the business-territory so-called Chile.

ITA is a vegan, straight edge prisoner. She is 23 years old. She loves nature, animals and specially colours and cats! She opposed the system and the so called law and order. Proud antispeciesist political prisoner. She feels calm and patient with the consequences of the illegal fight against speciesism.

TORTU is a vegan, anarcho-nihilist, straight edge political prisoner. Hates the system, loves nature, animals and freedom for all. Proud political prisoner for animal liberation.

Please write to them, you can simply write an email specifying who you are sending it to: solidaridad.antiespecista4@gmail.com

If you can afford it, consider sending some cash to the support group, who will be redistributing funds between them for commissary but also will be helping with legal costs, solicitors and court costs.
Their communal PayPal is www.paypal.me/solidaridad4


16th November 2022

New: Mel Broughton

Long time activist Mel Broughton has been remanded in prison, on trumped up charges. He does not wish for his charges to be discussed publicly, but he would love support. Please write to him. His birthday is: 5th July.


November 2022

Sentenced to time served: Joseph Dibee

After Joseph was released on house arrest awaiting trial back in January 2021. Joseph now has pleaded guilty to two counts of historical actions during his trial on 1st November 2022. He has to do 1000 hours of community service along with the time served which was two and half years in prison and 17 months on house arrest and doesn't have to go back to prison


August 2021

Released: Peter Janssen

Peter was released from prison in August and has probation until June 2022


January 2021

Released, awaiting trial: Joseph Dibee

Joseph Dibee was released from federal custody in Portland in January 2021 after been remanded for the past two and a half years. He now is in Seattle under house arrest until his trial.

Released: Karl Häggroth
Karl was released from prison in early January 2021 after a trial were they were given 100 hours of community service, they are waiting another court date relating to other charges.


December 2020

Released: Richii Klinsmeister

Richii was released from prison in mid December 2020 after completing a four month sentence for actions against mink farmers.

New: Karl Häggroth

Karl, a long-time Swedish animal rights activist was arrested and remanded in early December 2020. They are awaiting trial, accused of actions against the fur industry.


October 2020

New: Richii Klinsmeister

Richii was sent to prison in early October 2020, after being sentenced to a four month sentence for actions against mink farmers.


September 2020

Released: Brian Vaillancourt

Brian was released from prison in September 2020. In February 2014, Brian was sentenced to nine years in prison after pleading to an arson charge related to a fire that damaged a Chicago-area McDonald's in January 2013.


August 2020

Released: Sven van Hasselt

Sven was released from prison in August 2020 after serving five years in prison for "conspiracy to blackmail," in relation to the campaign to close down the notorious animal testing lab Huntingdon Life Sciences (rebranded as Envigo).


June 2020

Released: Walter Bond

In mid June, after almost 10 years in captivity, Walter was released from federal prison in Indiana today, and will spend the next few months in a halfway house


The animal liberation front supporters group (ALFSG)

PO Box 1107



'Never doubt that a small group of concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.'

- Margaret Mead