SUSARON 4, (now 2)
& Tortu
In November 2022, four straight-edge activists were arrested and remanded in prison accused of an arson attack at a meat packing plant in Chile in September 2022 and are under investigation.
It is 23 months since the Susaron 4 were first incarcerated and have now all been sentenced. The first was Itamar, sentenced in March 2024 to 5 years of intensive probation for the crime of arson. She will have to serve the remainder of her sentence in freedom, discounting the time she served in prison.
On August 5, 2024, Panda was sentenced to 4 and a half years for the crime of arson and possession of ammunition. He will have to serve the remainder of his sentence in prison. He is currently in the Colina I prison.
On October 7, 2024, Tortuga was sentenced to 5 years for the crime of arson and possession of ammunition, but he could serve his sentence under intensive probation. Therefore, he is serving the remainder of his sentence. Also, on October 7, 2024, Ru was sentenced to 5 years for the crime of arson. Having to serve the sentence in prison. He is currently in the Santiago 1 prison, awaiting his transfer to the Colina I prison.
The four can still be contacted via email: SOLIDARIDAD.ANTIESPECISTA4@GMAIL.COM and they will pass on your support.
For more information see the news page.